Hair treatment studio

Treatment of hair and scalp diseases

„Számos, a szervezeten belül lezajló változást, állapotot lehet megfigyelni a fejbőr, a haj, illetve a hajhagyma elváltozásain. Nagyon jó tükörképe szervezetünknek, akárcsak a léleknek a szem. Számos esetben derül fény a vizsgálatok során olyan problémára amelynek addig egyértelmű jelét nem tapasztaltuk a szervezetben.”
Dr. Enzo Formentini

Vegan products

Our products are recommended for home therapy, which are particularly effective against unpleasant symptoms with their natural components and herbal essences.

About us

The Trichocenter hair care studio’s primary activity is the examination of the scalp. Our goal is to treat the chronic changes of the scalp, preserve its healthy state, and enhance its resistance. Trichology, which derived from dermatology and became a separate branch of science, has a 30-year-old history in the world of medicine and naturopathy. The diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp disorders are approached from a scientific perspective instead of a cosmetic one. Using digital dermatological tools even the fungal infection of the scalp or the reasons of hair loss on the scalp can be clearly identified.


Examination of the hair and the scalp by a microcamera is considered as an accurate diagnostic tool nowadays. Numerous changes and conditions within the body can be observed by the changes of the scalp, hair, and hair roots.
It acts as a clear mirror of our body just as the eyes for the soul. On several occasions during the examination, such problems can be discovered that prior we were not aware of. The treatments are simple and can be done at home following the provided instructions. The treatment products are special therapy products that restore the health of the scalp and the hair. With continuous consultation we monitor the progress of the improvement alongside the patients.

How can we help?

Description of Trichology as a Science:
The products for a trichological treatment were first developed by Dr. Enzo Formentini dermatology professor. These products combine the principles of naturopathy and the findings of the latest dermatological researches.
The products contain botanical and herbal agents and in addition to their therapeutic effects, they provide the necessary nutrients for the normal functioning and growth of the scalp and the hair. Our primary professional aim is not just to apply symptomatic treatment but to treat the symptoms and diseases by discovering the underlying causes. We can achieve this by ongoing professional cooperations involving continuous consultations with specialists, and naturopaths who conduct further examinations when needed or can refer the patients to an appropriate medical institution.

Reservation for examination

With scalp problems, chronic balding and fungal infection please see a specialist as soon as possible!

Look for our trichology partner closest to you!
You can make appointments on the phone or via email.

1073 Budapest, Barcsay utca 16.
+36 (20) 665 3355

Hair and scalp examination with micro camera

At a trichological examination, similarly to a dermatological examination, the first step is the inspection of the hair and the scalp changes with the naked eye. However, not all can be seen this way, some changes cannot even be seen without a magnifier.
Due to technical advances high-resolution camera systems are present in medicine so in trichological diagnosis as well. In hair analytics, the tool called micro camera is a high-resolution imaging system designed especially for dermatological examination. The basis of the camera is that the target area is illuminated with three or four halogen light sources that emit cool light and send a picture to the screen of an almost three to four hundred magnification. The advantage of the cool light is that during close examination, the scalp is not exposed to excessive heat, not even by accident.

Common problems that can be redused by treatment:

Book an appointment


The duration of the examination is 30 min – 1 hour, and the length of the treatment period depends on the disease.
IMPORTANT! Do not wash your hair the day before the examination!
06 (20) 665 – 3355
1073 Budapest, Barcsay utca 16

Opening hours:

Monday: 10:00 – 17: 00

Tuesday:  10:00 – 17: 00

Wednesday:  10:00 – 17: 00

Thursday:  10:00 – 17: 00

Friday:  10:00 – 17: 00