Cocco Mask

Moisturizing coconut mask

Coconut binds clean water that’s why it is a strong hydrating product, when used for dry, curly hair with split ends the hair regains its shine and healthy elasticity. It is a strong hydrating product. When using on dry, curly hair with split ends the hair regains its shine and healthy elasticity. This hair mask is a strong hydrating product.

150 ml, 500 ml


Hidratáló kókusz hajpakolás
Hormon balance

Moisturizes the skin and hair follicles

Used on dry, bleached hair with split ends the hair regains its shine and elasticity. Among our hair masks this is the best hydrating solution. It is quickly absorbed and hydrates the skin and the hair roots. This is the only hair mask that can be left in the hair is small amount and does not need rinsing. It protects the hair against the harmful effects of the sun. It slows down the aging processes. It helps to rebuild and preserve the hydrolipid barrier. It nourishes and restores the protective barrier of the skin. It slows down the aging process of the skin that’s why it is recommended for dry skin. This product strengthens the immune system, has a regenerating effect that speeds up the healing process. In case of sunburn or skin burnt due to solarium it helps regenerating the skin and we can avoid the peeling of the skin if applied heavily. It has a positive effect both in skin and hair care.

Dr. Nagy &B.Nagy Trichocenter hair masks

This is one of the strongest hydrating and nourishing products among the therapeutic products. It can be used for dry and greasy hair as well depending on the type. Contrary to traditional conditioners and masks, this does not weigh down the hair and it also has a therapeutic effect on the scalp. Some types are soothing, and anti-inflammatory. By mixing the masks, we can achieve mixtures with great efficiency.

Dr.Nagy & B.Nagy Trichocenter pakolások

A terápiás készítmények között az egyik legerősebb hidratáló és nutritív hatással rendelkező termékfajta. Egyaránt használhatóak zsíros és száraz hajra, típusától függően. A hagyományos balzsamokkal és pakolásokkal ellentétben nem nehezítik el a hajat, és a fejbőrön is terápiás hatást fejtenek ki. Egyes típusai nyugtató, gyulladáscsökkentő hatásúak. A pakolások keverésével kiváló hatásfokú keverékeket hozhatunk létre.
